Random Modeling Tip
Unless you go the customized route for decals, you can purchase N scale decals to help decal your rolling stock, bridges, buildings, or locomotives. I usually find my N scale decals at train shows. There is always someone clearing out their N scale decals of what they have left or will never use.
GeneralRandom Articles

Tree & Shrub Tutorial
By Animek Models
First, I've started creating the forms of the trees, here I've done 2 kind of cedars trees, a "menhir form" [ ... ]
Micro-Trains Farmers Co-op Build by Modelersguild.com
I am definitely getting better at Z-Scale. Another Micro-Trains kit, I am liking these more and [ ... ]
Passengers in MTL Empire Builder dome cars
By Mike Scully
June 2009
Step 1: paint passengers on sprue.
This is my project to add passengers [ ... ]