Random Modeling Tip
Every few months check and refresh your paint supplies. Whichever paints you use acrylics, enamels, or other solvent-based paint it is a good practice to check up on your paints and to give them a good shaking. Check your bottled paints, do they need to be refreshed with a dab of water or mineral spirits? What about your marker\paint pens? Then you might also want to do a spot check on your glues, putty, clay, stains, and pigments, to make sure they are in usable condition.
GeneralRandom Articles
Tree & Shrub Tutorial
By Animek Models
First, I've started creating the forms of the trees, here I've done 2 kind of cedars trees, a "menhir form" [ ... ]
InstructionalsRead more...Found a new resource for windows,doors,buildings,and cars/trucks ect.It's called micronart. You can find them on the web at www.micronart.com they can definetly [ ... ]
MyBlogRead more...The sawmill has a permanent place in our hobby as an industry built in the sticks. The location of these structures usually is located far from civilization [ ... ]