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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tree & Shrub Tutorial

By Animek Models

First, I've started creating the forms of the trees, here I've done 2 kind of cedars trees, a "menhir form" and some "ball form", a piece of balsa wood of 3/8 x 3/8 was use to achieve those forms, all turned on a mini lathe, and then sanded briefly.



Then all the parts were cut with a razor blade, and each bottom and top of each pieces were sanded to finish the forms.


Each balsa form was inserted with a glued wire, so they could be hold for the next steps, and stick into the layout.


I applied a good coat of paint, mostly the same color than what the final tree will look.


Then with the acrylic paint still wet (very important), I apply the tainted saw dust with a plastic spoon. And shake off the excess.


For smaller shrubs or when you don't have time to turn a balsa piece, just use the tiny Styrofoam balls, they can be detach easily without breaking if you take your time.


For the brown shrubs, I've mix some green, un-dye MDF and a little quantities of orange foam, the woodland scenic stuff or any equivalent, it's just that I did not have any orange powder done in my inventory.

menhir7 menhir8


For the brown shrubs, I've mix some green, un-dye MDF and a little quantities of orange foam, the woodland scenic stuff or any equivalent, it's just that I did not have any orange powder done in my inventory.


menhir9 menhir10


There you have it, all your "Field of Dreams" Shrubs, just like in the real photo.




The trees were done with the same kind of MDF stain dust; I vary the tone of the green to have different level of color.



For the back tree, like oak or apple tree, I've experimented with what seem to me the best mixture to work with, it hides the electric wires. I mix 4 ingredients (1. Paris plaster, 2. Water, 3.wite glue, and 4. Acrylic paint, then I apply this mud with a brush on the tree trucks, it hardens in a few hours, and make a great looking bark, I just need to paint a little over to simulate a better looking tree.






Courtesy of Benoit Jean of Animek Models.     logo petit2

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