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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Member Blogs

An Idea comes to life, Maybe!?

I finally decided on the Zize of my layout. A mere 30 inches wide, L shape, length 77.5 inches on the short and 126.5 on the long. Now I've just gotta come up with a track plan that will let me do switching & run trains continuously. I have an idea from an article in model railroad magazine based on a real modern RR in Lakesville Minn. I think I'll take creative licence and fictionalize it. The article is in June 2002 MR mag. Name of real company is Progressive Rail. Now I need to find a couple of Eletromotive switchers in Z scale. I know good luck huh......

Z scale scratch parts.
Just starting out


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Thursday, 19 September 2024
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