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Sunday, March 09, 2025

Member Blogs

John Kellett has not set their biography yet

2012 Z Central Station Monthly Calendar


Free Z Central Station 2012 Monthly Calendar


Welcome to the 2012 Z Central Station's free PDF monthly calendar!  This is a free download.  Just click on the calendar image to start the download.  Enjoy!




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John's Initial ZCS Blog

I have always wanted to start a blog, but 'starting' it is usually the first stumbling block.  This is true with a 2' by 5' canvas behind me for a layout.  I have projects and a test track on it, but nothing resembling any work of 'my' dream layout.  I am really hoping mid January to start some layout planning.  I do know I want to include a curved trestle bridge, a pickle plant, turntable, a couple of other types of bridges, and keep the scheme during the transition period.  I have some Marklin steamers and MTL F7's that will work well together.  But more on that project(s) later.

I do want to share different aspects of my modeling experience, along with maybe some ZCS website aspects.  I think mixing things up will be interesting.  Maybe some personal details too, so you can get to know who Soccrdad30 really is.  I do not want to 'plan' blog entries, so do not expect scheduled entries.

So, with that in mind.  I would like to share "My Favorite Z Project" Contest entry.  My project is a gas!  Okay, bad pun.  I am "Kitbashing" an MTL 40' standard single door boxcar, and turning it into a Navy U.S.N.X. Helium Freight Car.  What is interesting, is there were 3 container helium cars and 30 container helium cars produced.  And these were in the gray paint scheme.  I am working on the 30 container freight car.

In the below photo you can see the car so far.  I used Plastruct channeled strip for the side supports, while cutting out the middle of the car but leaving the roofwalk.  I have the containers glued together and painted in gray.  I used 3/32” Plastruct tubing for the containers.  And you can see some of the tools I used, including my cheap 10.00 chopper that I bought at a train show (bonus!).  Slugger got me hooked on Plastruct Plastic Weld – Love it!  And for Christmas 2010, I received a couple of Railway Prototype Cyclopedia’s.  What is interesting is in this booklet has an article about brake wheels, but look at the Ajax April 1943 Brake Wheel ad showing a U.S.N.X. helium car.  The side supports are configured differently from the research images and from commercial RTR cars.  Oh well, I will stay with what I started.


Okay, here is a closer view of my contest entry.  I just need to paint, create my decals, then apply the decals before inserting the containers.  I know some thoughts are going on about the finer details.  But, on my next one, I would like to get it more proto.   This one I am happy to finish, and to be learning new modeling skills.  My next photos will be of the finished helium car, and will be entered into the contest.


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Welcome to MyBlog!

Megaphone blue_guy

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