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Painted Axles
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Was in our local Michael\'s the other day returning a few items the wife bought. I usually like to take a look around, and this time found that they were clearancing some paints. I bought a can Valspar \'Metal\' spray paint, regular price of $6.49 marked down to $2.99. I knew I was going to use it for modeling... but could not turn down the deal. Well, yesterday, I was fixing cars that did not have axles and thought they might look better than the plastic coloring that they are. I took about 12 axles and lightly spritzed them several times, let them dry. And here are the results. The front hoppers off the track are the regular axles. The hoppers on the track have the metal painted axles. And in front are two sets painted and two sets plain. I like the painted sets, more realistic and the wheel details stand out too. John K.
Saturday, 04 September 2010
96.49 KB (400 x 300 px)
File size of the original image
893.80 KB (2272 x 1704 px)
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