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Total number of hits on all images: 20,669,895
Static Tuffs
Image information
Saturday, 06 November 2010
52.39 KB (800 x 449 px)
File size of the original image
342.81 KB (1296 x 729 px)
Comments for this image
Author | Comment |
shamoo737 |
Comment added on Saturday, 06 November 2010
Ed, its weird to grow tuft in your garden, but we are z scalers. ![]() |
eit27 |
Comment added on Saturday, 06 November 2010
John, The weird part is they weeds, they can pop up anywhere and start to take over. |
SJ-BAZ-man |
Comment added on Saturday, 06 November 2010
Ed (and others): PELASE list the supplier/model when you post this stuff. It looks like Silfor Buffalo Grass. The Buffalo version is 'spikey' and multi-color, compared to the Tufts. Buffalo Grass: ts.asp?dept=1232 Prairie Tufts: ts.asp?dept=1056 Silfor (patent holder for this product: ments.asp?dept=1040 The 2mm size Prairie Tufts are very random in size. The 2mm are a bit large but the many smaller ones are quite useful. |
eit27 |
Comment added on Sunday, 07 November 2010
These are made with a blend of materials from Scenic Express, Noch & Woodland scenic. I blend to get the color combination needed, then apply white glue to styrene sheets and let the home made applicator do the rest. With the commerical tuffs available. The colors are limited. When custom blended you can get the desired color combinations. |
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