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Sergio Lopez' Laser Etched Buildings
- Zcratchman_Joe
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John… I saw where you were talking about Carlos’ from Florida (his real name is Sergio Lopez) and his laser etched buildings that you’re working on. I know there are a LOT of people that would like him to offer these buildings in KIT form. Well, that’s just what he’s soon to be doing. I’ve been creating the instructions for assembling his buildings and as soon as he gets into production mode for these, he’ll start selling the kits. There’s an interesting article on him and his plans at ZRailroads.com
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- theshylion
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- animek
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My web site: www.animekmodels.com
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- soccrdad30
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I agree with Dwight, his buildings are sweet and their styling is unique. The photo that Joe shows, I have that same building and painted it. That building is a pickle plant. Sergio's buildings are only sold on ebay fully assembled.
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- Minuteman
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- Zcratchman_Joe
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animek wrote: So? What are the news in this department?
Sergio and I talk on the phone semi-regularly so I know a good deal of what’s going on. For one thing he’s had laser problems that have plagued his productivity. It’s been difficult for him to keep up with his own orders let alone make “extra” pieces to send me. Plus, I must admit since my move and subsequent need to remodel my whole basement, I’ve got no place to actually put his models together in order to write the instructions for them. With this in mind, I haven’t really been bugging him to send me the kits to put together. Combine this with the fact that Sergio is planning on moving back to Argentina later this year and, well, you can see that time is against us all. But Sergio reads this website as well so I guess when he finds the time he can add to this answer.
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- tealplanes
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And then the fun really begins. Ask any laser kit designer what the most dreaded task in kit manufacturing is and they'll tell you hands down...writing easily understood, comprehensive, concise instructions is the most disliked aspect of any manufacturer.
I think Karin would rather stand in line at the post office for hours on end instead of writing instructions. At the post office at least you can complain and you are amongst friends who totally agree with you.
No doubt, when and if these fine structures ever become available kits, the Z modeling world will be richer for yours and Sergio's efforts.
Don't despair.......just practice standing in line at the post office. :o)
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- Zcratchman_Joe
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Loren, I don’t mind writing the instructions at all. In fact I really enjoy it. They usually take me a total of a day to do, but of course this day usually must be spread out over a few days due to drying time, photographing, writing about each of the steps, etc. This is why I usually have three of four going at the same time. And we don’t use line drawings, but instead I photograph each step as I go along. This makes the instructions much longer, but a picture speaks a thousand words, doesn’t it. And since I have nothing to go on except for the frets of parts themselves, I usually make a couple of minor mistakes along the way. But then with input from Sergio on how he builds a particular part where I might have gotten it wrong, it all comes together neatly and nicely. All in all, fun in my book.tealplanes wrote: ...Ask any laser kit designer what the most dreaded task in kit manufacturing is and they'll tell you hands down...writing easily understood, comprehensive, concise instructions is the most disliked aspect of any manufacturer...
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- tealplanes
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Like I said, you must be a sick man for enjoying this, but we'll gladly let you suffer through it all for our benefit. Karin used to do the photo thing too until she learned how to do line drawings and she prefers that method.
I can't argue the point about a picture being worth a thousand words, but sometimes the pictures also need further explanation.......for dummies like me.
I know about mistakes with frets......just sent a replacement fret to a customer who bungled his attempt on one of our kits. Gee, he must be human like me :o)
So, sometime before next winter? Just teasing. I know how to be patient, for I am a Z scaler too.
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- David K. Smith
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tealplanes wrote: Joe, you're a sick man I tell you......a sick man. :o) Actually you must be the one exception to the statement I made about manufacturers hating to write instructions.
Make that two. I enjoy it also. The only downside is that they often take as long--and sometimes longer--to write than to design and produce the model...
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