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Oil Track side unloader and loader
Image information
Oil tanks and track side platform for tank caes printed at Shapeways designed by southernnscale
Friday, 06 March 2015
81.48 KB (800 x 600 px)
File size of the original image
2,173.64 KB (3264 x 2448 px)
Comments for this image
That is an interesting combination of structures. There is a Z modeler that might be very interested in these. I think his name is Dave (?) Miller. He used to live in western Mass where I visited him many years ago- he has since moved to Ohio. He has been to several big Z meets with his Z oil modules. Maybe Bob Cluz can give a better way to contact him. As I recall most of histanks- etc were 3 D printed from searails.
Thanks! I was wondering if any one has been looking at these project I think that's the main reason I don't have a lot of my project up for sale or even public. Never get any feed back if people like or dislike! oh! well!
Well, just let me tell you I think your projects in general are stunners - and this one certainly is too, keep up the great work