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Friday, February 07, 2025

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Track and engines

15 years 10 months ago #3633 by Mr. White
Track and engines was created by Mr. White
So I just purchased a transformer today, does anyone have any recommendations on track or powered engines? I have been looking around for a while and have not seen many opinions on the different manufacturers of track or powered cars. I was looking at the Micro-trains line. Does anyone have experience with the magnematic couplers are they a good idea , do they work well? Also is the track a good starter track or should I stick with Marklin since that is the brand of my transformer?

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15 years 10 months ago #3635 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re:Track and engines
You should contact me and I'll provide you with all the MTL items you could want.
I'm a dealer and offer pretty good discounts. Just ask all my enemies, er, I mean friends. They'll vouch for me......won't you guys?

Ah, come on now, what did I ever do to you to deserve this?;)

Seriously, MTL makes good products, from power sources, to track, to rolling stock and locos.

You'll soon get an ear full I'm sure.

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15 years 10 months ago #3639 by loadmaster
Replied by loadmaster on topic Re:Track and engines
Mr White,

We're not his enemies or his friends, but his VICTIMS. His prices are so tempting that your wallet will cry HELP! ! ! Oh, watch out for Karen, she has some wonderful goodies also.


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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #3640 by ztrack
Replied by ztrack on topic Re:Track and engines
Congratulations on your start into Z scale. First the really, really good news. There truly aren't any bad running and poor performing locomotives in Z scale. All locos from AZL, MTL, and Marklin are going to run very well for you. MTL is an excellent place to start. They offer an amazing array of starter sets, including GP9s and GP35s. The sets include track, cars and locomotive and are perfect for starting out. I highly recommend this approach. AZL locomotives are highly detailed and they have a growing selection of roadnames and body styles. The SD70 series is hugely popular. They definitely should be considered as you get more into Z.

As for track, this is a toss up. It really depends on the complexity of the layout you are planning. MTL's ballasted roadbed track is very easy to work with. But it has it's limitations. It is not a complete system and lacks many of the smaller track sections that are needed for more complex track plans. The Marklin track system is complete and offer unlimited possibilities for track designs. Both systems follow the same geometry. MTL is schedule to release new track sections later this year. There is a track comparison guide in the January/February issue of Ztrack Magazine.

As for rail cars, mix and match and have fun. MTL has a large line of cars. AZL has entered the market with modern rolling stock. They offer 60' high-cubes, Bethgon coal porters and now ACF 3-Bay. Plus a lot more is coming. Full Throttle is another company to look at. The offer two-bay hoppers and cylindrical hoppers. All products can be mixed and matched. AZL couplers will couple with MTL couplers. Note though, AZL couplers are not magne-matic like the MTLs.

I don't use the magne-matic uncoupling feature. I will let others comment on this.


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15 years 10 months ago #3645 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re:Track and engines
Mr White,
Gee but that sounds so formal. Around here we are all like family,......first names and we fight all the time:laugh: :laugh:

I should have also mentioned that while I'm very happy to suck your wallet,...uh, I mean gently lift a "few" dollars from your wallet.......thank you very much Robert loadmaster..I'll load your master.....I am also a very serious dealer for the fine AZL line.

Rob Klus just wrote a good piece concerning both manufacturers and seriously, both produce the greatest assortment of very fine running stock and powered units.

Let's just be totally honest for a moment....this is a hobby you are not going to get away with indulging in without some serious damage to your wallet, no matter who does the dipping. However, the wonderful products you are going to get in exchange for your dollars spent more than make up for the expenditure.

The nice thing about dealing with me is that I will smile much bigger when I gratefully take your money.

Advice for beginners........and listen good......don't get caught up in thinking you have to have one of each and several of the best looking ones. This hobby does cost money and you are wise to go into it carefully, planning on what needs to come first and then if you want to ask advice go right ahead and we will be glad to stear you to the best products in Z that money can buy.

Whether I ever get one cent of your money or not is not the important issue here. What is important is the fact that you know exactly what you are buying and why. Nothing worse than buying something on the spur of the moment and then later wishing you had not purchased the item.

Another tid bit of advice.....years ago my brother decided to build a 7 1/2" scale UP diesel loco. He was wise enough to realize that the only way he was going to be able to buy and build what he wanted was to at the same time give an equal amount to his wife for the things that were important to her. Needless to say, while my brother finally got his loco built, my sister in law also ended up with many nice new additions to her decor and she was happy even though when she looked at what we were building in my garage she thought it was stupid. Now?.......she likes to occasionally ride on the loco and she is a happy camper and my brother has his beautiful loco.

Moral of the fair to your wife and you will likely enjoy this hobby much more with less hassle.

End of the bed time story.....but do come see me if you want MTL or AZL product. You can't go wrong. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Z Train Things

PS. This is a picture of yours truly on the beautiful UP SD40-2 we built in my garage in 1996

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15 years 10 months ago #3647 by Mr. White
Replied by Mr. White on topic Re:Track and engines
Funny cause thats the exact loco I am looking at for my layout. I am thinking about creating a fictional line around Sonoita type landscape (It's wine country south east of Tucson) It's a cross of Sonoran desert and grass lands with rolling hills and rocky mountains. The area used to have a train but I don't have much info on it. This is gonna be a very small layout to get my feet wet so its probablly going to use visual tricks to get my point across. I have been looking at the MTL line for now because it seems easier on my wallet and less likely to have me redecorating the house ;)If I really get hooke then I will probablly do something larger. Thanks for all the advice.


I just think Mr. White is a good pseudo-handle since its my last name and a character from resevoir dogs.

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15 years 10 months ago #3648 by Socalz44
Replied by Socalz44 on topic Re:Track and engines
Mr. White, Actually I believe the SD 40-2 is coming out from MTL later this year. If you get one of the MTL starter kits you are on the right track. Pun intended. Your layout will be simple and the Micro Track is a good way to get your feet wet. Only when you get to bigger more complicated layouts will you probably have to shorten a piece of Micro Track. This process is covered here in ZCS, so don't worry about that. I have a room size layout using Micro Track and it all fits without adjustments. Enjoy. Cheers, Jim CCRR:)

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15 years 10 months ago #3655 by TerryH
Replied by TerryH on topic Re:Track and engines
Loren, I want a ride. :) What a piece of workmanship!

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15 years 10 months ago #3656 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re:Track and engines
Loren- You are always full of surprises. That is a beautiful engine!

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15 years 10 months ago #3658 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re:Track and engines
Just a wee bit more info regarding the loco.
This was not a kit. The Cannonball trucks were the basic prebuilt item in this project.
Chassis, shell, railing, fans.......almost everything else was scratch built.
We used 4, 6 volt deep cycle RV batteries to power the 24 volt motor. Started out with chain drive, but then went to V belt.

It has working fans, air breaks, 4 chime air horns, pop off value sound, Sierra sound system, real air brakes and countless other little things.

Actually we have never finished it as it needs more detailing. Now my brother and I are too involved in other areas of life to take it to the shop for over haul and further of those unfulfilled dreams. Close as we can figure, we have about $15,000 tied up in it. It was one of the first electric with modern design back in 1996.

I'll make a photo album where you can see some of the building stages of it. This is one time that brothers had a lot of fun together without arguing and fighting like we did when young kids.

Our 2009 run season opens next Sunday at Railroad Park and I was lying in bed this morning thinking how we hardly ever do any maintenance on it. Hope she holds together for the run season.:S


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15 years 10 months ago #3659 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re:Track and engines
Hey guys,
I didn't mean to splash all those photos on the front and hog the site. I thought they would go into an album but I guess that is the way things work on ZCS.
These photos were taken in the days before digital so the quality isn't so hot.

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #3660 by Socalz44
Replied by Socalz44 on topic Re:Track and engines
Loren, Actually they will go into an album. You have to create it first however.:S By clicking on Gallery and then clicking Add Photos you will come to a screen that allows you to name your photo, name your album, and add a description! Oh, and nice photos. Cheers, Jim CCRR:woohoo:

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15 years 10 months ago #3690 by loadmaster
Replied by loadmaster on topic Re:Track and engines

Where is Railroad Park, in Medford? Do they have a website?
Questions, questions, now I want answers, answers.

"The Load Toad"

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15 years 10 months ago #3691 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re:Track and engines
Try this link.....


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