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Sunday, March 09, 2025

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Buyer beware!

11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #16654 by Mr.JA
Buyer beware! was created by Mr.JA
I do a lot of buying (and some selling) on eBay (feeBay, as I like to call it). I've been on eBay since 2006, and have a good feedback score as both a buyer and seller. B) Like anything else, there are good things and bad things about using eBay. :whistle:

Recently, someone listed a piece of Z-scale at a ridiculous amount of money. :angry: I politely challenged the seller on his auction. He told me to prove him otherwise. :blink: It is totally his prerogative to list whatever he wants at whatever price he wants. I just don't want to see folks getting ripped-off. :(

Most of what I'm going to write here has to do with finding Marklin locos and rolling-stock. I own everything... AZL, MTL, IM, Marklin, Full Throttle, Rokuhan, FR, PRMLOCO, ProZ, and lots of custom-made hand-crafted pieces (I'm not so picky, like shamoo737). ;)

eBay likes to claim it is "international". In fact, it hardly is. When searching for Marklin on the USA eBay... it rarely finds pieces listed on eBay's other countries sites. If you haven't checked out eBay Germany... you are really missing out on finding missing pieces for your collection. Often, you can find things much cheaper, even when you factor in the conversion from Euro to US$ and international shipping.

Words of warning... it will take you a considerable amount of time to sort through eBay Germany. Hopefully, I can provide a few tips (not in any particular order).

eBay Germany is at...

You will need to log-in with your US eBay username and password. You do not need to create a new account in German.

eBay Germany IS in GERMAN! There is no translation. So, you will be doing a lot of copy and paste into Google translate...

The easiest way to search for a Marklin item is by the model number. I type in the model number in the search bar at the top of the German eBay page. You will get more than only Marklin listings when you do this. You will then have to learn a little bit of German to start your filtering.

On the left side of the eBay page, you will see the word, "KATEGORIEN" = Category. Next, find the word, "MODELLBAU" = Model, and, "MODELLEISENBAHN" = Model Railway. Click on MODELLEISENBAHN. This should take you to the next page, that may or may not have several categories of scales. You are looking for, "SPUR Z".

If you've done all this, but are not finding what I am writing... then, maybe that Marklin model number is not currently listed.

So... let's say your search brings up some successful listings. Now comes some additional work. Remember, almost all listings will be in German. You will have to click on each listing to find out details about the item and auction.

Look for the word, "ZAHLUNGEN" = Payments. You will need to find sellers that accept PayPal payments. Not all German sellers accept PayPal, nor are they required to. Don't ask a seller if they accept a "money order" or "personal check". Those don't work in Germany. I'm not a big fan of PayPal, but it is the easiest thing going to make international payments. It is easy to know if the seller accepts PayPal or not, as there will be the PayPal logo in the listing.

The other important thing to look for is if the seller will ship internationally. Look for the word, "VERSAND" = Shipping, and "VERSAND NACH" = Shipping to. Here, you want to find the word, "WELTWEIT" = Worldwide.

Okay! Let's say you've finally found a listing where the seller accepts PayPal payments and is willing to ship to the USA. Now, you have to figure out pricing and how to bid. The easiest way to do this is to look for the "push button" that reads, "AUF DIE BEOBACHTUNGSLISTE" = Add to Watchlist. Click on it (remember, you must be signed-in). It should now be saved to your US eBay watchlist.

Now... go back to your US eBay page. Under your watchlist, you should now be able to find the item. eBay should also have the item listed in both Euro and US$. Click on the item. It should also list the shipping costs for sending to the USA. This may or may not be listed in US$. The description of the item will not be translated for you in your US eBay. This is where you will need to copy and paste into Google translate.

Another important note... IF you need to contact the seller at the item during or after the auction, you can do so through the normal "Contact Seller" link on the auction page. PLEASE remember... you are contacting a non-English speaker/writer/reader. PLEASE remember... to use proper English. This means... no abbreviations or slang. PLEASE spell check your English! The person receiving your message most likely will copy and past your English into Google translate. You may have to do the same with that persons reply.

I have bought a LOT of Marklin from Germany and Spain. I have never had a single problem with bidding, paying or shipping.

Please note that what I have written here works 90% of the time. eBay is often "stupid" and doesn't work well on an international basis. I have sometimes saved items from eBay Germany to my US eBay watchlist... only to click on it later and receive an incorrect error message that the seller or item or auction is not valid. It actually is, but you can only see it through eBay Germany.

This is a lot of information... but, I hope it helps a few of you find those missing Marklin items.

Another good source for finding Marklin? Ztrack Resale

By the way, the eBay seller is selling a "white-box" package, special run car for US$600.00! He challenged me to find this "rare" car at a better price. I found six listings of the exact same car on eBay Germany, from sellers that took PayPal payment AND ship to the USA. Those listings ranged from US$14.00 to US$30.00! International postage was not that much more.

So... PLEASE... spend some time searching the internet... before you give up or get ripped-off.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kelley, ztrack, southernnscale, markm, JMCmodels, Bill_O

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11 years 2 months ago #16655 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Alex, A very informative and thorough tutorial for those who really want to buy Marklin pieces. I'm sure glad I am not one of those folks as that is a lot of ground work for the desired results.

I'm very curious as to what the seller of the exorbitantly priced car said when you showed him the lower priced options. You obviously called his bluff and he had no cards in his hand after that.

Way to go to expose the rip off guy.
The following user(s) said Thank You: southernnscale, Mr.JA

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11 years 2 months ago #16656 by Mr.JA
Replied by Mr.JA on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Loren... the seller hasn't replied since I informed him of the six examples I found. He has ended his auction early... without a sale (at least not indicated on eBay).

I want to clarify that my posting was not meant to be an attack on this individual. He has every right to sell at whatever price point he wants. If he were to sell that car at the price... he also has to live with himself knowing that he ripped someone off.

You know full well that folks are only going to pay what they think an item is worth. I also think folks need to be able to make some coin... the more the better. But, out-right dishonesty is another thing altogether.

Off my soap-box now. I still hope that my posting helps a few folks find what they are looking for in missing and/or hard to find Marklin items... if they are willing to spend the time doing it. German eBay sometimes lists older MTL items, too.
The following user(s) said Thank You: southernnscale

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11 years 2 months ago #16657 by Scott_S
Replied by Scott_S on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Alex, this is an excellent post. And you did an excellent job of creating easy to follow detailed instructions. Great points, great framing of your message and a nice job of looking out for the Z community. -Scott-
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr.JA

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11 years 2 months ago #16661 by Gerd
Replied by Gerd on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Good tutorial. Some remarks: if a German buyer offers international shipping you can assume some basic English skills. English is mandetory in German schools for ages. Regarding rip-off: I guess that's the buyers problem, if you are so stupid to buy such a car for $600 and haven't done your homework you really deserve this. Don't forget, such margins are very common in our every days life, you just don't know it....

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11 years 2 months ago #16663 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Gerd, Scott, I agree with all you guys said. Alex has done us all a fine service for which we need to appreciate his efforts to protect the unsuspecting, perhaps misinformed or uninformed buyer. If the buyer is a newbie, I can see how easily he could be taken advantage of. The bottom line of advise for any prospective buyer is to 'do your homework' and research before you push the 'buy it now' button and live to regret it later on.

I once saw two newbies fighting over a package of MTL flex track. It sold for over $70.00. I wish now I had somehow alerted those two that they were wasting their money by fighting over the track. I think they were inpatient and not willing to wait a bit to get other packages of track.

Alex, we know you did not intend to discredit the seller. Since we all started out in Z as newbies and likely did not know the ropes very well, all of us would have appreciated some good sound buying advise early on.

I think you exposed the wolf in sheep's clothing, eh?

From one oldie to another, Thank you.

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11 years 2 months ago #16666 by shamoo737
Replied by shamoo737 on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Alex, its hard to save somebody that doesn't want to be educated in their investment. One of my friends wanted to invest in a company, and I ask him did he read the company's financial statements, and he said no. Wait, he wanted to take the money out of his credit card at 18% interest rate. Do I need to say more. What I see in ebay is people with money spending it unwisely. Well, maybe not for you. You got top Dollar for your C44, but the price the SD70 is getting this days is just crazy. It makes me want to sell my SD70 fleet, but I am too much of a hoarder to do it. I am still sorry I ever sold my C44.

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11 years 2 months ago #16672 by tealplanes
Replied by tealplanes on topic Re: Buyer beware!
John, I got $232.00 for my NS SD70. I think that isn't too far out of line.

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11 years 2 months ago #16673 by shamoo737
Replied by shamoo737 on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Loren, the H2's are going for over a $1000.

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11 years 2 months ago #16675 by southernnscale
Replied by southernnscale on topic Re: Buyer beware!
I remember A while Back on E-bay there was a book on Railroad Wrecks! it was and old hard back covered book. My friend wanted it bad! I don't know if it was worth anything but he was going for it after a week the book had made it up to $1200.00 so he backed out. A couple weeks after I was at a book store in Jacksonville, Florida and found the same book on the shelf for $8.95 dated 1938. I bought it and still have it with my other books on trains I have collected over the years. So I think people just put things on e-bay because they now there is some one out there that would want that piece and hope on making it big. Some people have the money and if they want it bad enough they will pay the price. I have found most things on ebay are pricey! that why I don't buy from them unless I really check out the material. I bought a building said brand new and picture looked great but when I got it in my hand it was bad not even professional built slapped together and Painted parts cracked and paid $35.00 for it what was waste of money!

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11 years 2 months ago #16686 by pm-ger
Replied by pm-ger on topic Re: Buyer beware!
Very intersted conversation and conntent. I also do some E-Bay buisness and can follow all arguments I have rode so far. I also like to create moderate pricing and offer always good service.
If any body of you is intersted in buying Märklin stuff feel free to contact me and I will try to get the stuff for your on the price you looking forward to spend.
My E-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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