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Friday, February 07, 2025

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14 years 9 months ago #8793 by hokenstrom
MBZ? was created by hokenstrom

I found this company a few weeks ago and tried to order from them - but now - three weeks later I suspect that something is wrong since I haven't even recieved a confirmation or anything. Nothing paid or anything but I wonder why they won't answer.

Have any of you been doing buisiness with them? They have some really amazing things for z-scale!


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14 years 9 months ago #8794 by rayzz
Replied by rayzz on topic Re:MBZ?
I have a few of their items that I purchased through Reynauld's in Elburn, IL.

I believe euro-rail hobbies in Canada also handles their line.

I don't know where you're located but, you might want to try contacting one or both of these sellers. The kits I have are beautifully detailed.

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14 years 9 months ago #8795 by ztrack
Replied by ztrack on topic Re:MBZ?
I really like the MBZ kits. I just received the Quarry building last week. But, I have had this kit on order for nearly a year. I did purchase mine through Reynauld's Euro-Imports. I am sure your order will be fine, but it just may take a while to arrive.


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14 years 9 months ago #8809 by JuergenT
Replied by JuergenT on topic Re:MBZ?
Hi Petter

I hear, that Thomas Oswald (MBZ) has too much work, so he cannot answer all the privat
requests (I hope it will be better).

But you cann try to get the items by KoMi
They sell a lot of the MBZ kits.

best regards

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14 years 9 months ago #8814 by hokenstrom
Replied by hokenstrom on topic Re:MBZ?
Thank you for the links!

Since I live in Sweden it would sting a bit to import german kits from the states;)


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14 years 9 months ago #8823 by mdvholland
Replied by mdvholland on topic MBZ - tips welcome
Petter, I got one of MBZ kits from KoMi in Altenbeken. Good service & advise.
The kit looks great, haven´t gotten around to building it yet (the wife got stuck in Iceland, amongst other things :ohmy: )
..(which, by the way, eventually, brought her to your country - passing thru from Norway, via Sweden, Denmark, Germany, back home to Holland :S )
.. (and now she´s trying to convince me the next vacation we should go to Sweden B) )
.. (but that´s all Off Topic - sorry folks :blush: )

Any tips for my start (and Petter´s, I guess) with a MBZ kit? Is it necessary to prepare the lasered cardboard before building the kit (as suggested by MBZ and KoMi)?


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14 years 9 months ago #8829 by rayzz
Replied by rayzz on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome
If you can read German and can locate a copy of issue #20 (October 2008) of the online magazine "220dasjournal", a detailed review article of the MBZ "Lokwerkstatt" kit (MBZ kit #16023) by author/publisher Guido Kruschke is on pp.14-20.
There is an online archive for the back issues of 220dasjournal but I don't know if it goes all the way up to 2008 and I can't seem to find the link to the archive at the moment.

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #8833 by ztrack
Replied by ztrack on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome
You can also check out the November/December 2008 issue of Ztrack Magazine. We published a review and article on building an MBZ barn. We have close ups of the finished model and building tips in the article. Back issues are still available:

Here are two images of the sample we built:

Also, we will be published another build article in a future of Ztrack. It will be tied into a larger article we are planning.


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14 years 9 months ago #8844 by mdvholland
Replied by mdvholland on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome
Rainer, thanks for the hint. I actually had 220dasjournal nr 20 downloaded on my computer, just hadn´t thought of it. The article is informative, however, I think the kit Guido built is not illustrative of the greatness of some of the MBZ kits.
The website with older editions of 220dasjoural you mentioned is probably this one:
However, it only contains editions 1 thru 19. Should anyone be interested in ed. 20, mail me in pm and I´ll forward the pdf to you.

@Rob, thanks for the info on your magazine. As a European, I have never seen it in real life, have to get into that someday. Great work on that MBZ kit!

BTW, for those interested on building MBZ kits, Thomas has a very nice introduction video that can be downloaded from his website
It is silent but self explanatory, so language is no issue. Actually, I found watching someone build a kit in over 12 minutes very relaxing, even meditative :)
The way paint is added (with a sponge - fast and easy, not to much paint) is a reason by itself to take a look at it.

However, I saw no sign of the use of a fixative. KoMi advised it strongly though. My experience with lasered kits is limited to the line side shed by micro-trains. Do you guys use something to the cardboard to preserve it from moist, warping, etc? Or will it stay fine by itself?


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14 years 9 months ago #8865 by spurzfrokler
Replied by spurzfrokler on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome
Hello Matt,

our English is terrible:(

We can send you pictures of build of our locomotive shed

>> <<

to your private email-address. Please send to us your mail.


Kordula Günzel
Große Schmiedestraße 6
D - 21682 Stade

tel: +49 (0)4141/41 23 00
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14 years 9 months ago #8895 by mdvholland
Replied by mdvholland on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome
Thanks. I sent you a pm.


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13 years 9 months ago #10673 by hokenstrom
Replied by hokenstrom on topic MBZ!!
Today is a joyous day! In the post - just a few minutes ago I recieved a large brown envelope from MBZ!

At a first look the two kits look really interesting - I ordered a Bienenhaus and a Ladeschuppen - both are really detailed and will be a real treat to work with. I will try to work with the idea of using a sponge to apply the colours but I will base my paint on pastell crayons since that is what I have at hand.

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13 years 9 months ago #10674 by N/A
Replied by N/A on topic Re:MBZ - tips welcome

That is a beautiful exact replica of a German barn! I personally saw up-close some of MBZ's buildings when I was at my last train show in Germany in 09 and they are SWEET! Unbelievable details.

John Bartolotto

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13 years 9 months ago #10675 by Kelley
Replied by Kelley on topic Re: MBZ?
The details are very good. You can see what these timber houses are made of. In between the timbers you will find bricks, that have been plastered over. You will also find somthing like wicker, and this stuff has been filled with mud, clay, straw, dung. You might even see wool or reeds. I actually live in a house made like this and some of the nearby buildings also show the worn look of the model, with different layers and different building materials. Understand some of these buildings are 300 years old and have been patched and repaired with whatever was available.
These model buildings looks EXACTLY how the real ones do.

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