Hi all.
Just a quick note to let you know where I'll be exhibiting this Autumn. main highlight will be Zedex 2016 in October where we should have over 20 Z and Nm layouts on display.
Blackburn 3rd-4th September Shasta (long form)
Bradford 10th October Republic Steel
Zedex 16th October Republic Steel
Hartlepool 23rd –24th October Cuyahoga
Shoeburyness 9th-10th November Shasta
Manchester 3/4th December Shasta (long Form)
I'll probably run Republic Steel in British Rail 'Railblue ' era at Bradford and Zedex
Shasta will be in the same form as displayed at Macclesfield at 14 foot long and running 12 foot long freights with the new SD70 Aces taking pride of place
Cuyahoga will be in its well known formation. Connecting Republic Steel to it will be one of this winters projects
Anybody in the U.K who wants to come and see me and have a chat are welcome