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Test Soo Line boxcars
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Painting up more fantasy Soo Line boxcars, but I wanted to see how different doors fit. I also tried a different red, but after the Dullcoat it did not look so good. One boxcar has a left side 6' door and the right side has an 8' door. The top guides and bottom guide pins are both the same, with exception to the placement of the guides on the 8' doors. The guides are mounted little over a scale foot on a 8' door. I also had to take and trim off some of the 8' door to have it properly slide on a 40' boxcar after it had been painted and dullcoated. If I had used an 8' leftsided door on a 40' double-door boxcar it would overlap the boxcar side and would not fully display the boxcar opening.
Monday, 24 December 2012
74.56 KB (800 x 600 px)
File size of the original image
116.22 KB (1024 x 768 px)
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