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track plans
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Thank you for taking the time and making a nice new trackplan. I tried to copy the drawing into wintrack and found the following:
-the line has a much broader curve and it looks way nicer
-the new trackplan leaves more room for the city on the left, so that\'s better
-the 3 main station tracks are 30, 45 and 48 cm long, while my plan had three 50 cm long tracks
-the distance between the edge and the nearest track is 2 cm, while I had 5 and still think that\'s too little (trains could derail but still couldn\'t fly)
-there is a new long siding at the freight yard, but the inglenook is now missing its 3rd leg (my station shed track)
-i don\'t know how it happened, but the mountain line got somehow shorter and it can\'t reach the required altitude (btw, it looks like I need another S curve somewhere to get it higher)
I think it\'s a nice plan, but I don\'t have the skills to use so much flex track and still make both rails meet. I\'m trying to combine the two plans and use 220 mm radius on the line, preferably with set track only. The 2nd plan shows my first attempt, but it\'s still not quite right.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
82.12 KB (400 x 316 px)
File size of the original image
27.19 KB (713 x 564 px)
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